20分! 路过的神仙,帮我翻译成英文.4篇小作文
1 how to face not fair? My attitude is: face! To adapt! Strive to change!
We always believe that "the world's fair", but we always feel unfair. It seems some contradiction, actually we should believe: the world is really unfair, but there is no fair! It's like our hands, palms, since not back, there is only one side. There can be no absolutely fair or unfair.
If we believe said above, so we only problem is: in the face of unfair, what should we do?
One was born with only head and torso severely disabled people. Life to him so unfair, but in his teacher, in the mother's help, become a graduate of the university of Tokyo, Japan. Not only can write, draw, but also many sports. His mother saw him at first glance, "he said how lovely!" This is the mother of face, let this child psychology can be a positive, optimistic and active attitude, he is not facing the unfairness of life, with their own efforts over it
There is a famous saying: if you want to become a man of success, but please don't complain about unfair. Either in the fall, abandon, complain in new unfair, finally, remains a weak, Either you should be recognized it, and put it as motivation, catch up.
Therefore, in the face of unfair, our attitude should be: face! To adapt! Strive to change!
2 in my eyes, success is three, dream, hone. Self-confidence.
Success, the dream is to practice of steel what there is such a few words - "the lifetime of a person should spend - when you look like past, not to regret, also not because liuliumowei regrets."
Because there is a dream, this sentence can be explained, the dream is a winter, sunshine in hope, dreams can also be a WangQuanShui, moisturize not fight heart, Dreams can also be head winds and a proud heart for cooling.
Dream is successful wings.
Success needs sharpening. Nothing in the world is the tendency of success, but only pay, after training, will succeed! Beethoven was deaf, music genius, he suffered pain of such circumstances, casting a prodigy, let his life a light.
Failure of hone is the mother of success
If the failure is the mother of success, so confident is the foundation of success. "I do," when FuLai still diffuse over li banished, he has such encourage myself. Li had confidence that the tenacity, became a great poet.
Success requires confidence!
3 what makes me feel happy
When I feel really love, I think is the happiest person in the world.
When the time of my birth, because love and come to this world, I grew up, it is the parents' love, give me life, I was on top of the world.
When I first sad sad, Your hand is intended to perform forever doesn tells you is business to okay. A true friend is the one who holds Your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find a known, And if you find such a friend, you feel your complete, you feel happy And complete
Close the words of encouragement, let me become strong, it is the love of friends, give me courage, I was on top of the world.
When I first put his hand on his hand, and took the commitment, palm from hot temperature, give me life, full of hope to the future! It is the love, love gives me the most warm harbor, I am the happiest person in the world.
4 my parents promised
My parents promised to make a happy, optimistic person.
In this world, the closest to the person, is our parents if we disappointed of time, they will always protect us, let us from sadness
In the world the most selfless man, is our parents, if our life is death threats, they will give up his life for us! The great strength of love, let us peace, from danger.
In this world, most concerned about our people, our parents if we constantly stray and helpless, will miss every day, is concerned about our own parents. A greeting call, a bowl of noodles, let me feel so warm and feel happy.
Parents life in love we unselfishly silently, they have done, but we hope is happiness, health, happiness, peace.
Therefore, the adult, I must be a happy, happy, strong person!
作文 我是高大仙人
[作文 我是高大仙人]我是高大的仙人,我有一把神奇的扇子,可以十三变,作文 我是高大仙人.人类遇到困难和危险时,我会54而出.
一天,我正在悠闲地在空中飞着,突然乌云密布,电闪雷鸣.一场暴雨要来临,我连忙往天宫赶.不一会儿,鸡蛋大的冰雹噼里啪啦地下了起来.我心里想:"不好了,冰雹会把庄稼全部砸死的,连房子也会被砸坏的,小学三年级作文《作文 我是高大仙人》."于是,我连忙拿出扇子,喊道:"变!变!变!"扇子越变越大,变的像一个巨大的天棚护在半空中.庄稼和房屋没有收到任何损坏,人类也没有任何伤亡.人们看到我救了他们,心情万分激动,一边欢呼,一边高喊:"高大仙人你真神!扇子真神!我们谢谢你!"
房子保住了,庄稼保住了,人类安全了. xi ao x u e 12 3 .com